Media, Publishing & Entertainment

In a world where people are consuming media content across the world in many languages, it is key that you work with a partner who is skilled on all the latest and greatest technology. After all, a popular form of media today could be replaced tomorrow. We can help with film dubbing, script translation, or even interpret live for a breaking news event.

Provided Services

Multilingual Video Captions

60% of all video content on YouTube is viewed in a language other than English. Our multilingual transcription services provide you with accurate foreign language transcripts in a time-coded format that can be used on YouTube or even films.

Content Translation

From news and magazine articles to art publications and medical journals, we provide fast translation turnarounds of content of all kinds to suit your multilingual readership.

Press Releases and Announcements

Your stellar press release deserves accurate translations from subject matter experts. Make your announcement resonate in far and wide with precise language that aligns with your brand and product messaging.

Social Media

Our social media translation services streamlines the publishing of content in multiple languages, enabling your consumers to engage your brand in the languages they’re comfortable in.

Journalistic Translation

Qualified translators are key partners in translating foreign news sources for journalists, eliminating misunderstanding and inaccuracies.

Translation at a moment's notice

We offer the fastest turnaround for media translation projects that involve things being conveyed in a timely manner. We are comfortable with rush jobs and have the resources and time management skills to ensure that we deliver accurate results in the time needed. This can even include next-day services for our clients like you.


Qualified School Interpreters

School districts choose our services because of our experience interpreting at various meetings and events in- person. We especially love interpreting at our students’ graduation ceremonies.

Miscellaneous Meetings

There are lots of meetings when it comes to education - student disciplinary hearings, college bound programs, diversity fairs, parent education classes, school board meetings, and more. We know that school districts may have different language needs, and we can adjust our services to meet those needs.



Helping school districts educate the students of tomorrow