
We have been partnering with school districts for many years, taking on the challenge of bridging the gap between non-English speaking families and educators in various languages. Our interpreters can help English Language Learning families access school engagement services designed for equity, access and inclusion.

Provided Services

Interpreting at School

We follow national guidelines when interpreting at schools, knowing that a student’s education involves not only educators but also their parents. We align our work to laws such as FERPA, protecting educational and privacy rights for students and their families.

Translating Educational Materials

Communication between educators and their families is paramount. We translate documents such as school notices, IEP working documents, school initiatives, family engagement publications, guides, manuals and more.

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Over the years, our school interpreters have been a part of the solution at countless IEP meetings, bridging the language and cultural gap between families and educators. We have glossaries in specific school terminology, including special education lingo.

Head Start Meetings and Events

We understand the importance of an early childhood education. Working with school districts via their Head Start Programs, we help connect non-English speaking families to program coordinators and events.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

For many years, we have participated in parent/teacher conferences by sending school interpreters and teams to schools. We know that language is that crucial link to make sure that families understand their child’s progress.

School Events/Community Engagements

Put our school interpreters to work at your events and different family engagement meetings to help you reach your entire audience. We have audio and headset equipment to help engage large and diverse audiences.


Every industry has its own nuances and specifics. To learn more about any of the services described below, we invite you to explore that dedicated page to get a more detailed view of all the language services we can offer.


Qualified School Interpreters

School districts choose our services because of our experience interpreting at various meetings and events in- person. We especially love interpreting at our students’ graduation ceremonies.

Miscellaneous Meetings

There are lots of meetings when it comes to education - student disciplinary hearings, college bound programs, diversity fairs, parent education classes, school board meetings, and more. We know that school districts may have different language needs, and we can adjust our services to meet those needs.




Helping school districts educate the students of tomorrow