
City, county and state agencies trust our interpreter and translation services. According to the National Health Law Program, all 50 states now have language access laws. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Affordable Care Act require that providers who receive federal funds have interpreters and translated materials available to their clients.

Provided Services

HHS Programs

We have interpreted for a variety of agencies including Economic Support, Behavioral Health, Health Services, Youth and Family Services, Disability, Long Term Care Support and WIC offices.

Early Intervention Programs

We help bridge the language and culture gap between providers and families, attending appointments at family homes, accompanying early Intervention (Birth-To-Three) Specialists and therapists.

City Governments

Our organization has provided interpreters for community and economic development, health departments, housing, municipal courts, law enforcement support and other services.

Housing Authorities

We help agencies communicate with their clients who are looking for affordable housing. Many housing authority programs use our services because of the variety of languages we specialize in and the flexibility of our interpreters.

County Departments

We contract with many counties in all their different departments and offices and historically our services have gone hand-in-hand with their services to the community. For Child Support, Child Protection, Courts, Health and Human Services and others.

State Agencies

We work with state agencies that use our services in Disability Determination, Health and Human Services, WIC, Probation and Parole, Hearings and Appeals, and many other offices. We have passed all the vetting and requirements to be state vendors.


Every industry has its own nuances and specifics. To learn more about any of the services described below, we invite you to explore that dedicated page to get a more detailed view of all the language services we can offer.


Insurance Requirements

We protect our linguists and customers with professional insurance policies, covering liabilities with Errors and Omissions, General Liability, Cyber Liability, Business Key and a General Liability Umbrella policy. We are protected, which means you are too.

Background Checks and Testing

All our interpreters are thoroughly vetted, going through state and federal background checks, pre-employment testing, immunization records, HIPAA training, and aptitude tests.




We welcome any opportunity to bid for translation and interpreter services. Because of the experience we have in the profession as well as all of the requirements we meet as a company, we are always ready to take on new challenges.